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Auth Client

The Feathers Auth client in the @featherscloud/auth package is used to manage device and user identities as well as access tokens.


It can be installed with

npm i @featherscloud/auth
pnpm add @featherscloud/auth
yarn add @featherscloud/auth
bun add @featherscloud/auth


In any web application, create an auth.ts file that allows to make authenticated requests to the backend like this:

import { createClient, LoginRequiredError } from '@featherscloud/auth'

 * The public application identifier for your Feathers Cloud app.
 * You can change the login page theme and other settings at
export const appId = '<your-app-id>'

 * The Feathers Cloud auth client instance. Use it to get the current user,
 * the current token, and to log in and log out.
export const auth = createClient({ appId })

 * Make an authenticated request using the fetch API or
 * redirect to the login page if the user needs to log in.
 * @param url The URL for the request
 * @param options Additional request options.
 * @returns The fetch response
export async function authFetch(url: string, options?: RequestInit) {
  const headers = new Headers(options?.headers)

  try {
    // Set the authorization header with the Feathers Cloud Auth token
    headers.set('Authorization', await auth.getHeader())
  } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof LoginRequiredError) {
      // Redirect to login page if a login is required
      window.location.href = await auth.getLoginUrl(error)
    } else {
      // Throw any other error
      throw error

  return fetch(url, {

This file exports an authFetch function that can be used just like the normal fetch API and will redirect to the login page if the user needs to log in.


Authenticated requests to a server running one of the supported platforms can be made like this:

import { authFetch } from './auth.js'

async function getMessage() {
  // Get data with authentication from your server
  const response = await authFetch('http://localhost:3030/message', {
    method: 'GET'

  if (response.status >= 400) {
    throw new Error(`Failed to load message: ${response.statusText}`)

  const body = await response.json()

  return body


For complete examples for different frontend frameworks see the following pages: